Since 1992
More than 30 years of experience
More than 90
in Canada
A family business from Canada!

Leading door system manufacturer
Decko is one of Canada’s leading residential door manufacturers. We manufacture high-quality doors in a variety of styles and materials. Our competitive pricing, fast delivery and outstanding service have earned us the trust of our customers. We design innovative and high-performance doors that make a statement.
Innovation is at the heart of everything we do
Decko doors are manufactured from products and systems developed by our sister company Soniplastics. Our doors benefit from the latest innovations in the industry to ensure superior functionality and performance in any installation setting. From design to final assembly, nothing is left to chance! Decko offers the best patio doors on the market.
The Decko collections are specifically designed to complement Soniplastics products to form an extended family of products with similar materials, configurations and colours. This complementarity ensures that every window and door perfectly match your project’s aesthetics.